Thinking of Retirement?
Retirement is an important decision for all members and you can never start planning too soon. The University provides a Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Others. Every second year there is an information session hosted by WUFA, WURA (Retirees Association), and the Human Resource Department for those approaching retirement. This seminar is a helpful information session for those who want to start planning for retirement, or those who wish to have more information about the pension plan and other retirement services offered to faculty and librarians who retire from the University.
To make a personal appointment to discuss your retirement questions, please contact the HR-Benefits department directly by reaching Mr. Tom Puskas at email: or ext. 2048.
Here is a brief summary of the pension plan and how it works.
Here is the complete pension plan document, please note there have been changes to the plan that are not included in this 2002 version. For further information regarding the pension plan and the updates please contact Mr. Tom Puskas at or ext. 2048.
If you wish to calculate your future pension, here is a presentation on the Seclon system.
Here is the most recent financial statement from the pension plan.
Info for Retired Members
WUFA members who have retired from the University of Windsor are invited to join the Windsor University Retirees Association (WURA). There are two meetings of the full membership per year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The WURA Social Committee arranges several other events per year - dinners, plays, picnics and so on, all of which are paid for by those who take part. WURA encourages smaller special interest groups to form as occasion and interests warrant. WURA dues are $20.00 per year, and it includes subscription to four issues of The Retirees' Newsletter. The WURA office is located in Chrysler Hall North, Room G119, or you can reach them by phone at 519-253-3000, ext. 4260.
For further information about WURA, click here.
Retiree Handbook and Appendices - Some of our retired members have put together a comprehensive booklet about ‘things you should know’ leading up to and during retirement. The booklet discusses government programs, legal considerations and other retiree information.
WUFA's Constitution & Bylaws - reference to Retirees (Associate Members) - this document highlights the clauses that refer to Associate Members under WUFA's Constitution and Bylaws.
Collective Agreement - clauses pertaining to Retirees (Associate Members)
Retiree Health Care Options
WUFA members who retire from the University of Windsor are no longer covered under the same health or dental plans that were in effect during employment. Before retirement, members will be informed by Human Resources about their option for continuing health and dental coverage under the Green Shield Retiree Plan at their own expense. The university does not cover the cost of premiums, with the exception of Article F of the Collective Agreement which allows the university to pay on behalf of all full-time retired members 50% of the Subscriber rate for the Green Shield Dental Plan, (including $1,500 additional cost) at current ODA rates.
If a retiree wishes to continue coverage under the Green Shield 'Retiree Healthcare Plan', they will not have to undergo any physical exam if the health insurance is commenced within 60 days of retirement. This plan is paid at the retiree's own expense and has a choice of single, family or couple rates.
To speak to someone about the University's Green Shield Retiree Health Care plan, contact Mr. Tom Puskas, Human Resources, 519-253-3000 ext. 2048 or email Tom at
CAUT Retiree Health Care Plan
Another option for retirees is a group health care plan developed through CAUT. To find out about the health care coverage for retirees offered through CAUT (the Canadian Association of University Teachers), go to the following website:
CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) offers a variety of discount services to those over 50 years of age when they become members. Their magazine often advertises insurance companies, travel discounts and other services on a regular basis. For further information, telephone (416) 363-8748.
Retiree Health Care Premium Subsidy Plan
The Retirees Health Care Premium Subsidy Plan was created to assist retirees with the payment of premiums for the Green Shield Retiree Health Care Plan. The Fund generates interest annually which is to be divided equally among retirees to help pay for their Green Shield Health Care premiums. Funds are added into the Trust Fund on an annual basis from a number of negotiated sources, including the Collective Agreement, a levy on the salaries of professors who teach in the Executive Education Programs and miscellaneous payments from arbitration or other cases that have been resolved in WUFA's favour. Retirees must be in the Green Shield Plan in order to receive the annual subsidy.