Decision-making authority for WUFA policy and action rests with the members. All major issues – expenditures, bargaining proposals, ratification of collective agreements, strike action, and changes in union dues -- are debated and voted on by the membership at large. The Association holds two General Membership Meetings a year (Fall and Spring), and will call Special Membership Meetings as needed. The Executive Committee and the Collective Bargaining Committees (Negotiating Committee and Contract Committee) are responsible to Faculty Council. Council can act on behalf of the Association between General Meetings. All faculty, librarians, and AAS staff are encouraged to join the Association and participate in its activities.
Constitution and Bylaws
The activities of the Faculty Association are governed by its Constitution and Bylaws. The Constitution sets out the aims of the Association; forms of membership; purpose, responsibilities, and composition of committees; meeting schedules; and the process for determining membership dues. The Bylaws elaborate these themes, and describe the procedure for ratification of collective agreements and taking and ending strike action. Amendments may be proposed by members at any time. They are discussed at membership meetings, then, ratified by the membership at large by mail ballot. Changes to the Constitution require a two-thirds majority; changes to the Bylaws require a simple majority of ballots cast.
Policies, Practices and Procedures
WUFA’s Policies, Practices and Procedures handbook codifies how the Association implements the Constitution and Bylaws.
WUFA's External Communications Policy (approved by Faculty Council June 2022) is found here: External Communications Policy
WUFA's Guide to Civil Discourse on Social Media (approved by Faculty Council September 2023) is found here: A Guide to Civil Discourse on Social Media
Rules of Order
WUFA meetings follow the Association's Rules of Order handbook and are supplemented Bourinot's Rules of Order, to foster full and free discussion at General Membership Meetings and meetings of Council, Executive and Committees.
Harassment and Violence Policies for WUFA Employees
WUFA is committed to the prevention of harassment and violence in the workplace and will take whatever steps are reasonable to protect its employees. WUFA and its employees are expected to uphold the WUFA Harassment Prevention Policy and the WUFA Violence Prevention Policy.