GR# 0527 - Late Sessional Appts in FAHSS

Collective Agreement Referenced:  2011-2014

Article(s): 54

Nature of Dispute: The University allegedly failed to send out letters of appointment to sessional instructors at least eight weeks before commencement of 2014 Intersession semester classes in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Result of Grievance: The University conceded the grievance at Step 3 of the grievance process.The affected FAHSS sessional instructors can request that the University not utilize their course evaluations, for courses that are tied to the late appointments in Intersession 2014, in future appointments.

Grievance initiated: April 29, 2014
Grievance resolved: July 30, 2014

Relevant Docs:         
(1)  GR# 0527     
(2)  Minutes of Settlement GR# 0527

