Accommodation Requests

Members who submit requests for workplace accommodation will be asked to provide their Department Head and/or Dean with a physician’s note explaining the need for accommodation. Please feel free to contact the WUFA office for assistance with an accommodation request.

In order to save you time and money, WUFA recommends that a you ask your physician to include the following information in a physician's note to the University of Windsor:

  1. The nature of the illness and how it manifests as a disability (which may include diagnosis, particularly in cases of mental illness).
  2. Whether the disability (if not the illness) is permanent or temporary, and the prognosis in that respect (i.e. the extent to which improvement is anticipated, and the time frame for same).
  3. The restrictions or limitations that flow from the disability (i.e. a detailed synopsis of what the employee can and cannot do in relations to the duties and responsibilities of his or her normal job duties, and possible alternative duties).
  4. The basis for the medical conclusion (i.e. nature of illness and disability, prognosis, restrictions), including the examinations or tests performed (but not necessarily the test results or clinical notes in that respect).
  5. The treatment, including medication (and possible side effects) which may impact the employee's ability to perform his or her job, or interact with management, other employees, etc.

These 5 criteria lay out the confidential medical information that is normally required for accommodation purposes. The doctor's note you submit will be kept confidential by the Administration. If you are asked to provide information that is not covered on this list, please contact the WUFA office immediately.

[FYI: The list above was determined by Arbitrator George Surdykowski (2012), when ruling on an employee's obligations with regard to disclosing confidential medical information in aid of accommodation. Click here to read the related Lancaster House article].

