Sexual Misconduct / Workplace Harassment

Sexual Misconduct

At the university of Windsor sexual misconduct is used as an umbrella term that encompasses all forms of sexually inappropriate behaviour and sexual violence, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical. This includes, but isn't limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, threat of seual assault, non-consensual sexting, relationship violence and gender based misconduct.

If you are a victim or anyone discloses allegations of sexual misconduct to you contact Dusty Johnstone at the Sexual Misconduct Response & Prevention Office at ext: 4550 or email

For further information visit the Sexual Misconduct Response & Prevention Office website at

Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment, under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably be known to be unwelcome. Examples under this definition can include, but are not limited to: bullying, intimidating or offensive jokes or phone calls, displaying or circulating offensive pictures or materials, behavior that intimidates, isolates or discriminates against a worker or group of workers. Workplace harassment does not include legitimate performance management and legitimate exercises of academic freedom.

WUFA members involved in harassment complaints/investigations are entitled to have WUFA representation throughout the investigation process.  Members who are complainants, respondents or witnesses are entitled to representation at all stages of formal and/or informal harassment investigation meetings; a WUFA representative acts as a support person throughout an investigation. Please contact WUFA at ext. 3366 for more information. 

  • Click here to access the University of Windsor Website to view all relevant information regarding the Workplace Harassment Prevention Policy and Program

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