Survey Results of the Administrative Evaluation Survey (June 2021)
This report provides the results of a survey about the performance of senior campus administrators at the University of Windsor. The survey was sent to WUFA members on June 1, 2021. The survey was the result of a motion passed at the WUFA Fall 2020 AGM meeting, held October 30, 2020. The motion is, as follows.
MOTION: To improve the quality of governance, transparency and performance of the University of Windsor and promote equity, WUFA will conduct annual surveys of its membership regarding the President, Provost and Deans and other members of senior administration to be determined by a committee of WUFA Faculty Council and report the results on WUFA's website. CARRIED
Survey questions were developed based on job descriptions. Hence, the questions are identical for certain positions, such as Deans. The rating scale for responses used 1 as the highest score and 5 as the lowest score.
Please click on the name/position of each administrator below to open a PDF file that provides the number of respondents (n) and the mean and the standard deviation for each question.
- President – Robert Gordon
- Provost and Vice-President, Academic – Douglas Kneale
- Associate Vice-President, Academic – Jeffrey Berryman
- Vice-President, Research and Innovation – Michael Siu
- Vice-President, Human Resources – Rita LaCivita
- Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Management – Christopher Busch
- Associate Vice-President, Student Experience – Ryan Flannagan
- Executive Director, Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility – Kaye Johnson
- Dean of FAHSS – Marcello Guarini
- Dean of Business – Michell Fields
- Dean of Education – Ken Montgomery
- Dean of Engineering – Mehrdad Saif
- Dean of Human Kinetics – Jess Dixon
- Dean of Law – Beverly Jacobs
- Dean of Nursing – Debbie Sheppard-LeMoine
- Dean of Science – Chris Houser
- University Librarian & Law Librarian – Pascal Calarco (Univ. Lib) & Annette Demers (Law Lib.)