Collective Agreement
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2025
Click here to view the full PDF version of the 2021 - 2025 Collective Agreement.
The Collective Agreement, as reflected in the links below, is currently under construction.

ARTICLE 1 - Definitions
1:01 Except as otherwise expressed in this Agreement, Academic Administrative Unit (AAU) means (i) in a departmentalized Faculty, a Department, or School that offers a program approved by the Senate, or (ii) in a non-departmentalized Faculty, the entire Faculty that offers a program approved by the Senate, AAU Head means the academic administrative leader of an AAU, Academic Year means for all members of the bargaining…

ARTICLE 2 - Declaration of Principles
2:01 The parties to this Agreement recognize that the objects and purposes of the University are the advancement of learning, the discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge, the creation of artistic and literary works, presentation of artistic performances and the intellectual, spiritual, moral, social and physical development of its members, including students, faculty members, librarians and staff, and the betterment of society. The parties recognize further their…

ARTICLE 3 - Recognition
3:01 The University recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent of all the employees in the bargaining unit. The University shall not assign duties outlined in this contract to any persons outside of the bargaining unit, nor to persons within the bargaining unit other than as specified in this Collective Agreement without consent of the Faculty Association. The University shall not create new job classifications for activities covered in this Agreement.…

ARTICLE 4 - Dues Check-Off
4:01 No member shall be required to join the Association as a condition of employment. The University shall deduct dues once every pay period from the salary of each member of the bargaining unit. It is also agreed to exclude those members appointed in accordance with Senate Bylaws as Acting in any capacity, including those referred to in 3:03 above and Dean, Acting Associate Dean, Acting Assistant Dean, Acting Vice-Provost, Students and Registrar, and those members appointed…

ARTICLE 5 - Rights, Duties and Responsibilities
Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Faculty Members 5:01 The rights and responsibilities of a faculty member flow from the objects and purposes of the University which are the advancement of learning and the dissemination of knowledge, the intellectual, spiritual, moral, social and physical development of its members and students and the betterment of society; from their position as a faculty member; from the expectations of the University; from the requirements of the students; and from…

ARTICLE 6 - Management Rights
6:01 The Association recognizes the rights, powers and responsibilities of the Board of Governors to manage the University as provided for in the University of Windsor Act. Such rights, powers and responsibilities shall be exercised in a just and equitable manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

ARTICLE 7 - Existing Practices
7:01 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Board of Governors undertakes to continue recognized existing practices with respect to terms and conditions of employment. The Board of Governors, however, after due notice and on reasonable and necessary grounds expressed in writing, may alter such practices. The decision of the Board of Governors to alter such practices shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures established by this Agreement for…

ARTICLE 8 - Facilities and Support Services
8:01 The University acknowledges a continuing responsibility to maintain a climate in which the academic functions of the members may be carried out, and undertakes, therefore, to continue to provide within the resources available a level of facilities and support services consistent with this responsibility, except that the level of the facilities and support services listed below may be adjusted from time to time. (a) secretarial services, which shall be made…

ARTICLE 9 - Employment of Non-Members of the Bargaining Unit
9:01 A member of the Board of Governors, President, Provost, Vice-Presidents, Vice-Provosts, Associate and Assistant Provosts, Associate and Assistant Vice-Presidents, Vice-Provost, Students and Registrar, Deans, Director of Athletics and Recreational Services, University Librarian, Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, Director of Faculty Recruitment and Retention, Executive Director, Centre for Executive Education, Director, Medical Studies, or any such person serving in an acting…

ARTICLE 10 - Academic Freedom
10:01 The fundamental purpose of the University and its unique contribution is the search for new knowledge and the free dissemination of what is known. Academic freedom in universities is essential to both these purposes in the teaching function of the University as well as in its scholarship, research, and creative work. 10:02 Each member shall be free in the choice and pursuit of research consistent with the objectives and purposes of the University and in the publication of the results,…

ARTICLE 11 - Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace
11:01 The parties acknowledge that the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all members without discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion and, in carrying out their respective obligations and in exercising their respective rights under this Agreement; neither will they discriminate against any member because of race, creed, colour, age (except for retirement in accordance with the University Retirement Plan), sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital…

ARTICLE 12 - Appointment of Members
I. Appointments (General) 12:01 In accordance with Section 21(1)c of the University of Windsor Act, the Board of Governors shall continue to have power to appoint members of the academic staff, but all such appointments made by the Board of Governors shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations, with respect to qualifications for appointment, as may from time to time be adopted by the Senate, and the President shall, before making such recommendations for appointment,…

ARTICLE 13 - Renewal of Appointments, Promotion and Tenure/Permanence
I. Renewal of Appointments, Promotion and Tenure of Faculty Members 13:01 The University and the Faculty Association agree with the principle that the basis for promotion is the performance of the individual determined on the basis of job-derived criteria. All renewal, promotion and tenure decisions shall be made in accordance with the procedures for achieving employment equity adopted by the Senate. A reasonable effort shall be made to specify the criteria to be used and to communicate…

ARTICLE 14 - Distributed Teaching Responsibilities, Transitional Appointments, Retraining Leaves, Redeployment, Reduced Responsibility, Voluntary Contract Termination and Early Partial Retirement
Distributed Teaching Responsibilities 14:01 Clauses 14:01 to 14:06 apply to faculty members who hold an appointment in a primary AAU. Such members shall enjoy all rights and privileges and shall retain specific responsibilities within the member’s primary AAU. Normally at least half a member's teaching load will be in the primary AAU. 14:02 The parties realize that benefits can be achieved through distributed teaching, that is to say, teaching outside of the primary AAU. Distributed…

ARTICLE 15 - Financial Exigency
15:01 Prior to a declaration by the Board of Governors of a state of financial exigency requiring a reduction in the University budget for the salaries and benefits of members, or termination or lay-off of members, the President shall consult the Joint Consultative Committee and shall report to the Board of Governors, the Senate and the Association that in their opinion the financial condition of the University is sufficiently grave to endanger the continued functioning of the academic units…

ARTICLE 16 - Lay-off, Notice, and Recall Rights and Compensation and Benefits
16:01 The Board of Governors shall give to each member holding a full-time appointment who is laid-off, except a probationary member who is laid-off during the member’s first year of full-time appointment: (a) twelve (12) months' notice or twelve (12) months' salary in lieu of notice or a combination of notice and salary equal to twelve (12) months, and (b) one (1) month's salary for each year's service to the University following full-time appointment up to a…

ARTICLE 17 - Sabbatical Leaves
17:01 A sabbatical leave is a period during which a faculty or librarian member with tenure or permanence is relieved of normal teaching or librarianship and administrative duties in order to pursue a program of independent study and research or creative activities. Sabbatical leave has two (2) immediate purposes: to allow members to improve themselves academically or professionally; and to allow members to engage in research, scholarship or creative activities. A sabbatical leave serves…

ARTICLE 18 - Political Leave
18:01 Upon receipt of a written request, the Dean may grant political leave of absence for campaign purposes in accordance with this Article 18 to any member who intends to become a candidate for elected public office in Canada or elected positions within First Nations, for elected positions within Métis Nations, or within Inuit Nunangat. The parties recognize, however, the responsibility of the University for ensuring the uninterrupted continuation and quality of program(s) of the University…

ARTICLE 19 - Court Leave
19:01 Leave of absence with full salary and benefits shall be granted to any member, other than a member on leave of absence without salary, to serve on a jury or attend as a witness in a proceeding which requires a member to be in attendance as a matter of civic or public duty in a court of justice or before any legal or statutory body with power to compel the attendances of witnesses before it. The University may grant such leave for such proceeding in a serious action in which the member…

ARTICLE 20 - Leave of Absence Without Salary
20:01 A member may apply to the Provost for, and may be granted, a leave of absence without salary for a mutually agreed period. The Dean and Head (in the case of librarian members, the University Librarian or Law Librarian as appropriate and the Associate University Librarian) shall provide the Provost with letters of appraisal of the member's application, which shall not be deemed confidential. The parties, however, recognize that such leave should be mutually beneficial to the member…

ARTICLE 21 - Pregnancy/Parental/Adoption Leave
Pregnancy Leave with Supplemental Benefits 21:01 A member who is pregnant shall be entitled to leave according to the terms of this Article 21 if they are paid and employed by the University. The member shall be entitled upon the member’s application to a pregnancy leave of at least seventeen (17) weeks from their employment, or such shorter pregnancy leave as the member may request, commencing no earlier than the earlier of: (i) the day that is seventeen (17) weeks before…

ARTICLE 22 - Conference and Convention Leave
22:01 When a librarian member wishes conference or convention leave, the member shall apply to the University Librarian or Law Librarian, where applicable, and may be granted a leave, without loss of salary or other rights, privileges or benefits, to attend conferences, conventions, seminars, and workshops related to the member’s field of specialization. The parties recognize, however, the responsibility of the University for ensuring the uninterrupted continuation and quality of service…

ARTICLE 23 - Study Leave
Study Leave for Librarian Members 23:01 Study leave for librarian members is intended by the parties to provide an opportunity for library-related course work, study or research. Clauses 23:01 to 23:09 outline the procedure to be followed when applying for librarians' study leave. Normally the study leave is to be carried out over a period of up to twenty (20) weeks. The leave period shall normally be taken in a single block of time, or by mutual agreement between the member and…

ARTICLE 24 - Compassionate Leave, Family Medical Leave, and Critically Ill Child Care Leave
Compassionate Leave 24:01 It is recognized that certain emergencies and other circumstances such as death or serious illness requiring immediate and short term absences from the University may arise in a member's personal life. Notification of absence shall be given to the Head (or Associate University Librarian, or Law Librarian) who will notify the Dean or University Librarian as appropriate prior to departure or as soon as possible thereafter. The length of absence with full salary…

ARTICLE 25 - Post Leave Salary and Benefits
25:01 Each member who is granted a leave of absence under clause 18:05 or under Article 20 shall be entitled upon the member’s return from leave to resume at least at the rank held at the time of the commencement of the member’s leave of absence at a salary to be negotiated with the Dean, subject to the following: (a) in the case of a member who engaged during their leave in an activity which will enhance their potential for contributing to their academic field upon return, the amount…

ARTICLE 26 - Hours of Work for Librarian Members
26:01 The normal hours of work for a librarian member shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week. The hours of work, however, may be scheduled otherwise, subject to the following: (a) The hours of work for each librarian member shall be scheduled fairly and equitably during the operating hours of the Libraries. (b) Librarians who have reader service listed among their responsibilities in terms of clause 5:49, may be assigned to work on public holidays within the meaning of The…

ARTICLE 27 - Confidentiality and Access to Personnel Files
27:01 The Dean, or in the case of the librarian members, the University Librarian, shall maintain the sole personnel file recognized by this Agreement relating to each member, and the Departments of Human Resources and Finance shall maintain the benefits and payroll records of each member. 27:02 (a) All documents pertaining to renewal, promotion and tenure or permanence shall be considered part of the member's personnel file. A copy of the summaries of the AAU Renewal, Promotion…

ARTICLE 28 - Rights and Privileges of the Faculty Association and Members
28:01 The University shall provide to the Faculty Association as office space the premises designated as 366 Sunset Avenue in accordance with the provisions of the lease between the University of Windsor and the Faculty Association dated September 1st 1983, or other mutually agreeable office space on terms consistent with the said lease. 28:02 (a) When the current lease for the premises specified in clause 28:01, or renewal thereof, expires, the Board of Governors may further renew…

ARTICLE 29 - Dismissal for Just Cause
29:01 In this Article 29, "dismissal" means the termination of an appointment by the Board of Governors, (a) in the case of a member having an appointment with tenure or permanence, prior to the age of retirement; (b) in the case of a member having an appointment of limited term, prior to the end of the specified term; or (c) in the case of a member having a probationary appointment, without the required notice. Failure to renew a probationary or limited term appointment,…

ARTICLE 30 - Employment Equity
30:01 (a) The parties to this Agreement agree to the principle of employment equity for members of the designated groups as defined by Article 1. (b) Within one hundred and eighty (180) days from the signing of this Agreement, in the context of the President’s plans for a comprehensive campus-wide approach to employment equity, the President will publish a detailed plan and timetable with respect to implementation of the recommendations of the Coulter Report. 30:02 The…

ARTICLE 31 - Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Heads
31:01 In addition to the rights, duties and responsibilities that a Head has as a faculty member, as set out in Article 5, the Head shall have rights, duties, and responsibilities by virtue of their appointment to the administrative position. Subject to the jurisdiction of the Senate with respect to academic programs, the Dean, after consultation with the Head, shall assign the duties to the Head. Academic and Administrative Duties and Responsibilities 31:02 The primary rights, duties…

ARTICLE 32 - Amalgamation, Consolidation, Merger or Expansion of the University
32:01 In the event of an amalgamation, consolidation, or merger of the University or any of its constituent units or sub-units with any other institution(s), the provisions of the Labour Relations Act of Ontario shall apply. 32:02 In the event of an expansion and/or extension of the University by the creation of Faculties, schools or other academic units or sub-units offering academic programs or offering academic programs off-campus, the employees therein who are eligible for membership…

ARTICLE 33 - Copies of this Agreement
33:01 The University shall provide one (1) written copy of this Agreement to each member for which the University shall bear the cost of production, reproduction and distribution. 33:02 When a candidate is selected for an interview, the University shall inform the candidate that there is a Collective Agreement in place at the University of Windsor, that this Agreement is published on the University website, and shall inform the candidate in writing that the Faculty Association may be…

ARTICLE 34 - Patents
34:01 The University encourages the publication of research results, inventions and discoveries, and all other scholarly works in all fields of academic endeavour in a climate of academic freedom and without regard to potential gain from royalties and other such income. 34:02 It is recognized that in the interest of most effective development and utilization of an invention, and for the protection of members and the University, it may be advisable to patent an invention developed in…

ARTICLE 35 - Copyright
35:01 The University acknowledges that it has no interest in and makes no claim to any copyrights in any works, including those created with alternative learning technology, authored by a member save and except when such work was made, prepared, produced, authored or otherwise developed by a member involving the use of direct University funding, or under a contractual agreement with the University, or with the use of the University production facilities as defined in clause 35:02 (e), including…

ARTICLE 36 - Patents and Copyright
36:01 The provisions contained in this Article 36 shall be applicable to both Article 34 and Article 35. 36:02 The University shall not enter into any agreement to subcontract the services of any member of the bargaining unit to any third party whatsoever for the purposes of the writing, editing, or production of recorded works or any consultation pertaining thereto without securing to the members of the bargaining unit all the rights, privileges and benefits accorded to them in Articles…

ARTICLE 37 - Notices and Official Correspondence Pursuant to Agreement
37:01 Except where otherwise expressly provided, notices required to be given under the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing. 37:02 Notices to and official correspondence with the University shall be addressed to the attention of the Provost. Notices to and official correspondence with the Association shall be addressed to the attention of the President of the Association or the President of the Association’s delegate.

ARTICLE 38 - Information
38:01 For the purposes of this Article 38, the University shall provide the following information for each member in an electronic format to the Association as recorded by the University: (a) surname, second initial, first name, sex, birth date, immigration status, University start date, appointment type, primary AAU, secondary AAU, rank, leave of absence, Normal Salary, overload amount, administrative stipend amount, administrative title, annual dues, home address, year of first degree,…

ARTICLE 39 - Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
39:01 The parties agree that they will use their best efforts to encourage informal, amicable and prompt settlement of complaints and grievances arising from the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation(s) of this Agreement. However, the parties recognize that one of the cornerstones of collective bargaining is a viable grievance procedure allowing for a prompt and fair hearing of matters arising from the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation(s)…

ARTICLE 40 - Appointment of Heads
40:01 In accordance with Section 21(1) (c) of the University of Windsor Act, the Board of Governors shall continue to have the power to appoint and remove, on the recommendation of the President, Heads. All such appointments made by the Board of Governors shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations, with respect to qualifications for appointment, as may from time to time be adopted by the Senate, and the President shall, before making such recommendations for appointment,…

ARTICLE 41 - Appointment of the University Librarian, Law Librarian and Associate University Librarian
41:01 (a) The appointment of the University Librarian shall be made by the Board of Governors on the recommendation of the President who shall first consult a Librarian Appointment Committee composed of three (3) representatives appointed by the President to include the Provost who shall be Chairperson, three (3) librarian members elected by the University Library Administrative Committee, and two (2) students nominated by the presidents of UWSA, OPUS, and SGS. In addition, the Committee…

ARTICLE 42 - Appointment of Provost and Deans
42:01 In accordance with Section 21(1)(c) of the University of Windsor Act, the Board of Governors shall continue to have the power to appoint and remove on the recommendation of the President, the Provost, the Deans, Associate and Assistant Deans of the Faculties of the University. All such appointments made by the Board of Governors shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations, with respect to qualifications for appointment, as may from time to time be adopted by the Senate,…

ARTICLE 43 - Rights and Responsibilities of Excluded Persons on Termination of Appointment
43:01 The Association recognizes that those positions identified in Article 3:03 of this Agreement, or other person who is excluded from the bargaining unit by law, or by agreement between the parties by virtue of holding such an appointment and who would otherwise fall within the scope of the bargaining unit shall, at the termination of such appointment, or on the last day of an administrative leave, if any, automatically become a member of the bargaining unit with all of the rights and responsibilities…

ARTICLE 44 - University Athletic Facilities
44:01 The University shall continue to permit members, their spouses, dependents, and occasional guests to utilize University Athletic Facilities, excluding the student sponsored fitness facility, free of charge for non-instructional recreational purposes in accordance with the rules and regulations established and posted by the University from time to time.

ARTICLE 45 - Public Liability Insurance
45:01 Subject to the express provisions of the current policy(ies) of insurance providing such coverage, the University shall continue to maintain Public Liability Insurance insuring, among others, members who are acting within the scope of their employment, against liability claims, (including property damage, personal injury) up to a limit of ten million dollars ($10,000,000).

ARTICLE 46 - Vacations and Holidays for Members
46:01 During each year of employment, a faculty member shall be entitled to one (1) month's vacation unless the period of employment during the employment year is less than the full year in which case the vacation entitlement shall be prorated. Payment for vacation entitlement is included in the annual salary of each member. 46:02 (a) For purposes of calculating vacation entitlement, an employment year shall be deemed to be July 1 to the subsequent June 30. In each year of…

ARTICLE 47 - Resignations/Retirement
47:01 A member may terminate their employment by resignation or retirement normally, with six (6) months written notice to the Provost, only on December 31 or June 30 of the academic year. 47:02 (a) A member currently employed by the University or on leave whose original date of employment with the University was on or before September 1, 1970 shall be entitled to resign, retire or otherwise separate from the University on August 31 in the year of such resignation, retirement or…

ARTICLE 48 - Retired Faculty Members/Professional Librarians
48:01 The parties recognize that some retired faculty members and Professional Librarians are capable of continuing to make substantial scholarly contributions. Accordingly the University may appoint any such retired faculty members and Professional Librarians for a limited term at an appropriate Professorial/Librarian rank. 48:02 Such appointee shall have the same rights of access to University facilities as a member holding professorial/librarian rank provided that, with regard to…

ARTICLE 49 - Joint Consultative Committee
49:01 The parties agree to form for the duration of this Agreement, a Joint Consultative Committee, to be comprised of three (3) representatives of each party. The Committee shall be constituted within fourteen (14) days after the date of signing of this Agreement. 49:02 The Joint Consultative Committee shall attempt: (a) to maintain and develop a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect; (b) to review matters arising from the administration, interpretation and operation…

ARTICLE 50 - Role of the Senate
50:01 The parties recognize the rights, powers and responsibilities of the Senate as provided for in the University of Windsor Act; nothing in this Agreement shall operate to infringe such rights, powers and responsibilities. 50:02 In the event that the Senate acts so as to change the terms and conditions of employment of any member, the Faculty Association reserves the right to negotiate over the implications of such changes, whether or not such matters are covered by this Agreement…

ARTICLE 51 - No Strikes or Lock-Outs
51:01 The Association shall not call, cause or authorize, nor will any member take part in any strike so long as this Agreement continues to operate. In the event of an actual or impending breach of this Article 51 by a member or members, the Association shall forthwith advise its members of their obligation under this Article. The University shall not call, cause, authorize or sanction a lock-out so long as this Agreement continues to operate. 51:02 No member is under an obligation…

ARTICLE 52 - Salaries and Other Benefits
52:01 The salaries and other benefits of members shall be determined in accordance with Articles A to T inclusive.

ARTICLE 53 - Validity
53:01 The parties agree to meet to re-negotiate any Article or part thereof invalidated by judicial or legislative act. 53:02 If any Article or part thereof be declared invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the term of this Agreement.

ARTICLE 54 - Sessional Instructors/Posted Courses
Definition, Duties, Privileges and Responsibilities of Sessional Instructor Members 54:01 The University recognizes that while the appointment of persons to sessional positions is not in general a satisfactory substitute for full-time academic appointments, save and except for the category of sessional lecturer as defined in this Agreement, it may be necessary to appoint sessional instructors due to specific circumstances in which financial restraints make full-time academic appointments…

ARTICLE 55 - Sessional Lecturers
The University shall not appoint any further sessional lecturers effective July 1, 2021. Definition, Duties, Privileges and Responsibilities of Sessional Lecturers 55:01 (a) Sessional lecturer, when used in this Agreement, refers to members of the bargaining unit who held such positions as of September 1, 2021 and to whom this article applies, and: (i) whose salary is fully paid from University operating funds, and (ii) who is not in full-time employment with any other…

ARTICLE 56 - Vacations, Holidays and Leave for Sessional Members
56:01 The University will comply with the Employment Standards Act (E.S.A.) in regard to calculating into sessional rates, the vacation pay entitlement. For sessional lecturers on a nine (9) month contract, the vacation entitlement falls within the nine (9) month contract on working days not to conflict with teaching duties. 56:02 No sessional member shall be required to work, teach, or be on campus on any of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria…

ARTICLE 57 - Pregnancy/Parental and Adoption Leave for Sessional Members
57:01 (a) A sessional lecturer shall be entitled to take seventeen (17) weeks parental leave without pay but with all other rights, privileges and benefits and without loss of membership in the bargaining unit. (b) In addition, if a sessional lecturer who is pregnant expects to deliver during the semester in which the sessional lecturer is teaching, they shall be entitled to a paid pregnancy leave for seventeen (17) weeks with full salary and all other rights, privileges and…

ARTICLE 58 - Discipline
58:01 Discipline of a member shall be only for just cause.

ARTICLE 59 - Investigation of Allegations and Complaints
59:01 Allegations of misconduct, financial mismanagement or administrative malfeasance on the part of a member from any source shall be transmitted in writing with supporting documentation to the Dean. The Dean shall consider the allegation(s) and shall forward copies of the allegation(s) and documentation to the member and to the President of the Faculty Association within thirty (30) days of receipt of the allegation(s). The member may respond to the allegations in writing within twenty…

ARTICLE 60 - Ethical Conduct of Research
Introduction 60:01 The policies set forth in this Article outline general principles upon which the ethical conduct of research should be based and apply to all members of the bargaining unit conducting research at the University of Windsor. Procedures are established for the effective handling of allegation(s) of research misconduct. These procedures are designed to protect the rights of members, the University, the Councils and other outside funding agencies. Individual research units…

ARTICLE 61 - Duration of Agreement
61:01 This Agreement shall be deemed to commence on July 1, 2021 and remain in effect until June 30, 2025.

ARTICLE A - Salaries
A.1 Salary minima in dollar amounts for faculty, professional librarian and ancillary academic staff member ranks shall be as in Table A.1. Salaries of faculty, professional librarian and ancillary academic staff members which are below the new minima will be adjusted to the new minima. A.1 (a) The parties recognize the expectation that members appointed at the ranks of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Librarian I, Librarian II, Librarian III, AAS I, AAS II…

ARTICLE B - Salary and Sabbatical Allowance
B.1 A letter signed by the Provost shall be sent by the University to each member stating their Normal Salary or Nominal Salary and itemizing each component as calculated under Article A within sixty (60) days from the signing of this Agreement, and by August 15 in any subsequent year. B.2 On or before forty-five (45) days prior to the commencement of sabbatical leave, a letter shall be sent by the Provost to each sabbaticant stating the sabbaticant’s Sabbatical Salary Allowance.…

ARTICLE C - The University Anomalies Fund
C.1 In order to alleviate anomalies of full-time faculty, AAS, Sessional Lecturer, and librarian members in the University, the Board of Governors shall establish a University Anomalies Fund of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). C.2 An Anomalies Committee to administer the anomalies funds shall be formed by November 1, 2021. The Committee shall include representation of at minimum two (2) genders and shall consist of two (2) individuals appointed by the President, two (2) members…

ARTICLE D - The University Retirement Plan For Faculty and Certain Employees
D.1 The University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees as amended and restated to January 1, 2002, shall be continued by the University except as hereinafter provided. (i) In addition to the amounts required to be contributed under paragraph 3.01 of the Plan, effective January 1, 2012, Members shall be required to contribute an additional two (2) percent of the members’ earnings to their Money Purchase Component Account in each Plan Year. In addition, effective…

ARTICLE E - Absence Due to Illness, Injury or Disability
E.1 Short Term Absence Due to Illness or Injury Within three (3) working days, a member shall inform the Head, Dean, University Librarian, or Law Librarian as the case may be, of the member’s inability to carry out their normal responsibilities as a result of illness or injury. E.2 Continued Absence Due to Illness or Injury (a) During the period of one hundred and five (105) calendar days of absence as a result of continuous illness or injury, a member shall be…

ARTICLE F - Health Insurance Plans
F.1 Except as provided in clause F.2, the University shall continue to pay for each full-time member, including a member appointed for a limited term, and each sessional lecturer and the sessional lecturer’s eligible dependents under such Plan, the full cost of the present Green Shield Supplemental Hospitalization Plan and Green Shield Extended Health Benefit Plan or such other reasonable substitutes which provide a benefit plan(s) at least as good as the current Plan(s) subject to mutual…

ARTICLE G - Tuition
G.1 The following shall be entitled to free tuition for any credit course(s) taken in the University: (a) Members and, with the member's written consent, their dependent child(ren) and spouse, as defined in Article 1, are eligible for free tuition for credit courses approved by the Senate of the University of Windsor excluding those credit courses and programs offered under the Executive Education Program. (b) Members receiving benefits under the Long Term…

ARTICLE H - Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plans
H.1 The University shall continue to pay the full cost of the present Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plans as amended July 1, 1985 for each full-time member (including each sessional lecturer and a member appointed for a limited term) subject to the express provisions of such Plans. H.2 The Group Life Insurance Plan's coverage for the said member shall be equal to three (3) times (x) the member’s Normal Salary to a maximum of five hundred thousand dollars…

ARTICLE I - Professional Development and Membership Dues Reimbursement
I.1 On July 1 of each year of this agreement, a Professional Development and Membership Fund shall be made available to each AAU for the use by full-time members, including sessional lecturers/sessional lecturers in Visual Arts/sessional lecturers in Nursing, and ancillary academic staff in each Faculty and Library for payment of the costs of travel, accommodation and other related expenses incurred for attendance at learned or professional conferences, symposiums or for other authorized University…

ARTICLE J - Market Stipends
The University suspends the payment of Market Stipends for the first three years of the 2021-2025 collective agreement to be in compliance with Bill 124, Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019. J.1 Members holding appointments at the University whose credentials or experience are in high demand or members of disciplines for which there is a high demand within the Canadian university system may be compensated with a market stipend in addition to their Normal…

ARTICLE K - Car Allowance
K.1 Effective July 1, 2021 the University shall reimburse each member at the rate of fifty five cents (55¢) per kilometre for each kilometre driven in a private car in the course of their authorized University travel.

ARTICLE L - Reimbursement for Moving and Storage Costs
L.1 The University shall reimburse each new member for the cost of reasonable travel and living expenses incurred by the said member and the member’s spouse in visiting the University for an interview. Such visits shall, if possible, be organized such that one visit will suffice and shall normally be restricted to two or three days. L.2 Each new member shall be reimbursed for actual relocation expenses as follows up to the maximum amount set forth in clause L.4, on presentation of…

ARTICLE M - University Loans
M.1 University loans of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall continue to be available at a rate of interest equivalent to the prime rate established by Canadian chartered banks from time to time, plus one percent (1%), and shall be repayable on mutually agreed terms, for members in need of funds for the publication of dissertations, travel costs in connection with the academic betterment of the individual member (e.g., presentation of dissertations for degrees), and for any other endeavour…

ARTICLE N - Overload Stipend
N.1 A faculty member who teaches more than the normal teaching load shall be paid overload stipend as in Table N. Table N: Overload Stipend 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 $6,136 $6,197 $6,259 $6,384 N.2 Any request for overload payment must be approved in writing by the Dean. N.3 If a faculty member/librarian/AAS/AAS:LS/sessional lecturer is asked to teach a posted course as overload after it has been posted in accordance…

ARTICLE O - Consolidation Courses in the Faculty of Nursing
O.1 The University shall continue to pay a stipend to each full-time regular faculty member who teaches a Faculty of Nursing Consolidation course. The stipend shall be paid on the basis of one-twelfth (1/12) of the said member's Normal Salary for a four (4) week or one twenty fourth (1/24) for a two (2) week Consolidation course.

ARTICLE P - Windsor Salary Standard
The University suspends the calculation and payment of the Windsor Salary Standard for the first three years of the 2021-2025 collective agreement to be in compliance with Bill 124, Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019. P.1 (a) The Windsor Salary Standard for each rank is the median of the average salaries of the Ontario Universities for the said rank using the data from the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) for faculty without administrative…

ARTICLE Q - Annual Research Award(s)
Q.1 The University undertakes to use every reasonable effort to attract funding for the establishment of Annual Research Award(s) for not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000).

ARTICLE R - Salary for Sessional Instructors
R.1 (a) Classification Pay Rates for Sessional / Special / Clinical Instructors Effective July 1, 2021 sessional instructors shall be paid as per the following classification scheme Class Courses Taught Status Sessional / Special / Clinical Instructor 1- 6 per year Member of the bargaining unit may opt out of Faculty Association membership. Union dues mandatory. (b) Sessional Course Rates for Full Semester Courses R.1(b): Sessional Course Rates for Full…

ARTICLE S - Salary for Sessional Lecturers
As of July 1, 2021 sessional lecturers will be appointed to either a nine (9) month appointment or a twelve (12) month appointment in accordance with 55:01(b). Sessional lecturers on a nine (9) month appointment shall receive the salary increase of one (1) month in addition to the salary structure described in Article S, which reflects an eight (8) month appointment. Sessional lecturers on a twelve (12) month appointment shall have a salary equivalent to a nine (9) month appointment, as described…

ARTICLE T - The President's Fund
The University suspends the awarding of the President’s Fund for the first three years of the 2021-2025 collective agreement to be in compliance with Bill 124, Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019. T.1 On the recommendation of the Dean, in consultation with the Head, the Provost, in each year of this agreement, in order to retain a member may increase the normal salary of up to eight (8) individual members by an amount not to exceed the…

ARTICLE U - The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund
U.1 In order to contribute to the continuous development of scholarship and to aid in educational dissemination of teaching and learning, the Board of Governors shall establish a University Diversity, Indigeneity, an Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund (PD Fund) of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) non-cumulating in each year of the agreement. The University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Fund shall be comprised of two separate…

The following are Letters of Understanding and Memoranda of Agreement between the Board of Governors and the Faculty Association of the University of Windsor. The parties hereby adopt and incorporate by reference the following Letters of Understanding and Memoranda of Agreement. It is understood that Memoranda of Agreement terminate coincident with the expiry of the Collective Agreement.

LETTER I - Grievance Mediation
The parties agree to the use of mediation in resolving grievances for the duration of this Agreement. (1) The Faculty Association may submit or the parties may agree to submit the grievance to mediation at any time within ten (10) days following receipt of the written response of the Provost at Step 3, or if no written response is received, within ten (10) days following the expiration of the period limited for such response. Where the matter is so referred, the mediation process…

LETTER II - Effective Date of Agreement and retroactive Payments
The University hereby confirms its understanding reached with the Faculty Association that: 1. Retroactivity shall be provided as follows to: (a) all faculty members, librarian members and ancillary academic staff members on the active payroll both as of July 1, 2021 and the date of signing of this Agreement; (b) all faculty members, librarian members and ancillary academic…

LETTER III - Voluntary Contract Termination
The parties have agreed within the context of Article 14 Voluntary Contract Termination to the utilization in their generality of the following forms: a) Release Form b) Schedule of Instalment Payments and c) Resignation Form. The above forms have been identified and signed by the parties on June 24, 1983. RELEASE I, ....., of the City of Windsor, in the County of Essex and Province of Ontario, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in consideration of the…

LETTER IV - Limited Term Appointments
The parties agree that, for the purpose of giving the University flexibility to address enrolment fluctuation, a total of five (5), nine (9), ten (10), or eleven (11), month Limited Term Appointments may be made in each year of this Agreement. All such appointments shall be made in accordance with the provisions pertaining to qualifications for appointment as may from time to time be adopted by Senate, subject to the following condition. Where an AAU advertises for such a limited term appointment,…

LETTER V - Legal Defense Fund
The parties agree to establish the Legal Defense Fund to be administered by the Legal Defense Fund Committee. The terms of reference shall include the following: 1. If a matter involving a member of the bargaining unit proceeds to a formal hearing before a University-created quasi-judicial tribunal with jurisdiction over members of the University, for example, the Senate Executive Sub-Committee on Procedures and Discrimination, or the Human Rights Commissioner, the member shall be entitled…

LETTER VI - Collaborative Programs
The parties agree that the Joint Ph.D. program in Education and the Collaborative Nursing program involving St. Clair College and Lambton College, and approved by Senate, are valuable programs to the University. To the extent that either of these programs engages faculty members from the collaborating universities/colleges to teach University of Windsor credit courses, the parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall not apply.

LETTER VII - Executive Education Programs
1. The University may operate Executive Education Programs in Business and Engineering approved by Senate and that are made up of credit courses not assignable as part of the normal workload of the member under Article 5, where the tuition fees and instructor stipends are market driven. 2. The programs are designed to meet the specific needs of professionals and business people seeking opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills so as to enable them to improve or shift their…

LETTER VIII - Subsidy Plan for Retired Members
On the dates specified in the table below, the University agrees to provide an amount equal to the HST rebates received annually by the University for payments made by the “University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees”. In addition, on the dates specified in the table below, the University agrees to provide the sums specified to be distributed by the Trustees of the fund entitled “Subsidy Plan for Retired Members” established in the “Memorandum of Agreement”…

LETTER IX - Downtown Campus
Members located in the downtown campus will be provided parking at the rates applicable to “Faculty & Staff Lots including Garage” on the main campus. Members with a valid University of Windsor issued parking pass for the downtown campus will be provided free access to visitor parking or other main campus lots as required for University business. Access to common office space on the main campus, including telephone, computer, internet access, and a printer will be made available to members located…

If a filed actuarial valuation results in the combination of the University contributions to the Money Purchase Component Account and in respect of the Supplementary Pension benefits, which shall include both current service cost and special payments required by the filed actuarial valuation before the application of any surplus, being less than the member contributions to the Money Purchase Component Account, then the University's combined contributions in the subsequent plan year shall be…

LETTER XI - Valuing the Service Contributions of Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Members
The University believes that Black, Indigenous, and racialized members often make service contributions to their communities and for Black, Indigenous, and racialized students to an extent that is over and above normal service contributions. In effort to value these particular and individualized contributions, the University sets out the following adjustments in workloads for Black, Indigenous, or racialized members. The University shall recognize the unique and individualized service contributions…

LETTER XII - Internal Posting of Teaching Intensive Faculty Positions for Sessional Instructors
When a teaching intensive faculty position is created, it shall first be posted internally for current sessional instructors who have taught in the relevant AAU within the two (2) previous academic years. The Employer shall notify the Association in writing, post notice of the position on the Faculty Recruitment website, and publicly post the position in the AAU for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) working days. The normal appointment process for handling applicants will apply consistent with Article…

LETTER XIII - Protocol for Removing Members from Classroom Teaching
The process for removing members from classroom teaching shall only be invoked in cases where there has been a significant breakdown in the student-professor relationship, or where there is concern for the safety and well being of students and/or the member, and where time and circumstances permit. All Deans at the University shall be notified that they shall be required to adhere to the following process for removing any member from the classroom; The Dean of the relevant Faculty shall consult…

FUNDING EXCESS Subject to statutory requirements, the University shall have the right to use any funding excess in the pension surplus to set off the total sum of any additional contributions it was required to make at any time following the next valuation of the pension fund in order to cover any funding deficit in the plan, less amounts previously repaid, if any, under this clause. If there is a funding excess and if there is no set off cost or if there is a funding excess remaining after…

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT - Establishment of the University Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development (PD) Funds Committee
ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY DIVERSITY, INDIGENEITY, AND ANTI-RACISM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PD) FUNDS COMMITTEE During negotiations for the 2021 collective agreement renewal, the parties discussed their shared commitments to the ongoing work of justice, equity, Indigeneity, anti-oppression, and inclusion needed to promote anti-racist and decolonized frameworks in scholarship and teaching to advance the core principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion. In relation to the creation of the…

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT - Guest Directors for University Players
GUEST DIRECTORS FOR UNIVERSITY PLAYERS The parties agree that supporting students’ ability to have opportunities to work with industry professionals in the acting/directing field and supporting the University of Windsor goals of greater diversity are advantageous to the student experience in the School of Dramatic Art. The University commits to proactively including directorial roles of the University Players seasonal productions for members of the Black, Indigenous and racialized communities.…

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT - Teaching loads in Faculties
TEACHING LOADS IN FACULTIES To ensure the orderly introduction of teaching intensive faculty and to afford non-teaching intensive faculty the benefit of a decrease in teaching load to enable research, the University agrees that upon completion of an approved implementation plan, the normal teaching loads in all Faculties will not exceed four (4) courses per academic year excluding teaching intensive faculty and sessional lecturers by July 1, 2024. To enable the creation of an implementation plan,…

MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT - Twelve (12) Month Sessional Lecturer Positions
TWELVE (12) MONTH SESSIONAL LECTURER POSITIONS Under this Collective Agreement, existing sessional lecturer members hired under Article 55 shall be provided a one-time opportunity to convert their position to a twelve (12) month position as outlined below: The member shall inform the Dean of their request to convert to a twelve (12) month appointment by December 31, 2022, with the twelve (12) month appointment to begin July 1, 2023. A sessional lecturer on a twelve (12) month appointment will teach…

PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME: AAU: _________________________________ Rank Lecturer ? Assistant Professor ? Associate Professor ? Professor ? Sessional Lecturer Level 1 ? Level…