
Faculty Council
Faculty Council is composed of faculty, librarians, AAS, and sessional members elected annually by their colleagues in proportion to the size of the constituency they represent. Council meets monthly to discuss matters affecting the Association, develop new policies, review reports, create and elect committees, and act on behalf of the Association between general membership meetings. Members of the Executive are automatically members of Faculty Council. Councillors are responsible for informing…

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is an elected committee of Chief Officers of the Association who act on behalf of WUFA, subject to the direction of the WUFA Faculty Council and the general membership. The main function of the Executive is to implement the general policies of the Association and act as daily liaison between the Association and other persons/organizations as required. The Executive Committee is directed by the Council, and governed by the Constitution and Bylaws. Executive Committee 2024-2026…

AAS/AAS:LS Committee
Ancillary Academic Staff: Learning Specialists (AAS/AAS:LS) Committee The Ancillary Academic Staff (AAS) Committee works to clarify the roles, duties and responsibilities of AAS members within the University Community. From time to time, the Committee will survey AAS members regarding their special needs, concerns and problems in order to advance the well-being of AAS and AAS:LS members at the University of Windsor. The Committee also monitors the activities of the University community with respect…

Anomalies Committee
An Anomalies Committee to administer the anomalies fund (Article C) shall be formed by November 1, 2021. The Committee shall include representation from both genders and shall consist of two individuals appointed by the University President, two members appointed by the Faculty Association, and a 5th individual mutually agreed upon by the Committee. The mutually agreed upon individual will chair all meetings and shall only vote in the event of a tie. The 2022-23 Anomalies Committee members…

Board of Governors Committees
The Board of Governors (BoG) is responsible for the oversight of all operational aspects of the University. This includes, but is not limited to, approving strategic directions, operating and capital budgets, property acquisition and construction, establishing appropriate controls and accountabilities for the University’s financial, human and physical resources. The Board of Governors also has bylaws and policies that guide activities. For more information visit the University Secretariat website.…

Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee reviews various complaints within the parameters of the Collective Agreement and determines if grievances are warranted. The Committee monitors the activities of the University community with respect to contract compliance, policies, etc. that concern all WUFA members, and they will make recommendations to the Contract Committee, Faculty Council, Executive Committee, and other Committees of the Association. The Grievance Committee meets bi-weekly during the academic year. …

Health & Safety Committee
The Health and Safety Committee of WUFA was intended to make recommendations to improve the Association's representation and actions on the Joint Central Safety Committee of the University, and to engage in other activities to make the workplace safe for bargaining unit members. Health and Safety Committee No members at this time. Central Safety Committee of the University The Central Safety Committee (CSC) is a joint committee that is comprised of representatives from all campus unions and…

Negotiating Committee - (Negotiating Team + Contract Cttee)
The Negotiating Committee acts as the appropriate body for negotiations on behalf of all WUFA members. They are responsible for negotiating strategies and reporting to Executive, Council and the Membership. The Negotiation Committee is constituted by two subcommittees: The Contract Committee and the Negotiation Team. Members remain on the Committee until the next round of negotiations, or unless they leave the bargaining unit. Negotiating Committee 2025 Pierre Boulos, President ex officio,…

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee of WUFA is responsible for developing a list of nominees for each of the permanent committees/teams of WUFA, when there are vacancies. The Nominating Committee will assist in finding member volunteers who are willing to serve. In developing a list of nominees, the Committee recognizes principles of equity. Nominating Committee 2025 Meris Bray VP Internal, Chair Library Pierre Boulos President, ex officio CTL Michelle Bondy Council Member School of the Environment Irina…

Racial Justice Committee
In April 2021, the WUFA membership voted to make the Racial Justice Committee a permanent committee in WUFA’s Constitution & Bylaws. The Racial Justice Committee’s mandate is to ensure racial justice, inclusion, substantive equality, and equity in the workplace and in the Association for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Colour (BIPOC) WUFA members, regarding teaching, research, librarianship, hiring, administrative services, any other types of work performed by the BIPOC WUFA members, and…

Retirement and Benefits (R&B) Committee
The Retirement and Benefits Committee addresses issues relating to: (a) the University of Windsor Retirement Plan for Faculty and Certain Employees; (b) benefits for members under the Collective Agreement; and (c) providing advice and/or recommendation to the Contract Committee, the Executive Committee and/or Council. The Retirement and Benefits Committee has the responsibility for coordinating the work of the Association Committees concerned with pension and retirement benefits and reports annually…

Sessional Committee
The Sessional Committee represents all Sessional Instructor and Sessional Lecturer members at the University of Windsor. The Committee`s focus is to address concerns and monitor the Collective Agreement as it applies to contract academic staff. The Committee meets monthly during the academic year (between September and June). The Committee will also make recommendations to the Contract Committee, Executive Committee, and other Committees of the Association on behalf of Sessional Instructor and…

Special Action Committee
These are the WUFA Sub-Committees where volunteers will be needed in the event of work action. While we are not anticipating a work stoppage during bargaining, WUFA is preparing, and needs your help. Please let WUFA know the area you’d prefer to assist with. Just click on the title of the Sub-Committee to send WUFA an email indicating your interest. COMMUNICATIONS Committee - interested in Communications? Email -able to work with Special Action Committee (SAC) to strategize…

Status of Women, Diversity and Equity Action Committee
If you would like to join the SWDEAC, please contact the WUFA office at SWDEAC 2024-2025 Vicki Jay-Leung, Chair, Library Rajesh Seth, VP SWDE, Civil & Environmental Engineering Pierre Boulos, President ex officio, CTL Zareen Amtul, Chemistry & Biochemistry Natalie Bownes, Nursing Pardeep Jasra, School of the Environment Annie Kavanagh, Library Tranum Kaur, Chemistry & Biochemistry Brandi Lucier, Women’s & Gender Studies Rong Luo, Library Sharon Munro, Library Kristina Nikolova,…

Other Joint Committees & Task Forces
From time to time, different 'Task Force’ committees are formed that include representatives from WUFA and Administration (and sometimes other campus unions) to deal with various issues. In all cases, the task force committee representative from WUFA will report their activities and findings through to Executive Committee and Faculty Association Council. University Pension Plan Joint Ad Hoc Subcommittee, 2024-2025 The University Pension Plan Joint Ad Hoc Subcommittee (the “Subcommittee”)…

WUFA Ad Hoc Committees
From time to time, different ’ad hoc’ committees are formed to deal with various issues which affect the membership. Committees may be formed for a variety of purposes, such as to proof-reading important documents, surveying the membership, organizing special events or volunteering in the local labour community. Palestine Solidarity Committee At the 2024 WUFA Spring AGM meeting, the membership passed a motion regarding academic freedom, preservation of Palestinian education & solidarity with…