WUFA News and Features

Tentative Agreement Reached
The Windsor University Faculty Association is pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative four-year agreement.

WUFA delivers 236 faculty letters to Wildeman
WUFA's President and VP Internal delivered 236 letters, signed by faculty members who are concerned by the lack of progress in contract negotiation talks, to University President, Alan Wildeman.

WUFA condemns hate graffiti on campus
In the aftermath of posters being defaced with anti-feminist and anti-Islamic graffiti in the Women’s & Gender Studies Department and near the Bystander Initiative Office last week, the WUFA Executive has issued a statement against hate speech

OCUFA and VP External - Comments on SMA2
As WUFA's VP External, I attended a policy conference hosted by OCUFA on May 11 and 12, as well as the OCUFA Board meeting on May 13. At both of these events, I and other attendees from Ontario's many faculty associations made clear that meaningful faculty input was sorely lacking in the formulation and drafting of the second round of Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMA2) currently under negotiation with the province.

Collective Bargaining 2017 - update
WUFA's negotiating team has met three times with the administration's team, and has exchanged proposals with the employer this past Tuesday, 23 May 2017. Both WUFA's and the administration's bargaining proposals are available for reading at Kerr House.

Collective Bargaining 2017 Begins
The Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA) will commence bargaining with its employer this month on a new Collective Agreement. The current Collective Agreement expires June 30, 2017.

Victoria Paraschak named 2017 MLD Award Recipient
The Faculty Association is proud to announce, Dr. Victoria Paraschak as the recipient of the Mary Lou Dietz Equity Leadership Award for 2017.

Introducing the 2017 WUFA Negotiating Team
The Faculty Association is pleased to announce the members of the 2017 WUFA Negotiating Team. Get to know your Team by reading their bios here.

WUFA Statement on President Wildeman’s State of the University Address
On Friday, January 27th President Wildeman gave his annual State of the University Address. In it he laid out five priorities for the coming year and made a surprise announcement. WUFA President, Jeff Noonan, responds to the Address.

Statement in Response to U.S. Executive Order
WUFA stands in solidarity with our Muslim members. Canada’s universities are deeply concerned about a new executive order issued in the United States Friday preventing individuals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. for 90 days.

Congratulations Prof. Brian E. Brown
Prof. Brian E. Brown was awarded the Charles E. Brooks Labour Community Service Award at a celebration dinner on November 18, 2016, presented by the Windsor & District Labour Council in recognition of outstanding contributions in the area of volunteer community service.
Fair Employment Week 2016
Fair Employment Week is a yearly event in which contract academic staff (Sessionals) give proud voice to the invaluable work that they do in universities across Canada, but also make political demands that faculty associations, administrations, and governments recognize and respond to the problem of precarious academic work.