Policy Grievance, re: Bill 124-Related Negotiations

June 20, 2024

On June 20, 2024 WUFA filed a policy grievance regarding the Employer’s violation of Article 53 (Validity) of the Collective Agreement. Recall that Bill 124 imposed a 3-year, 1% wage freeze moderation period with an ambiguous preclusion of a ‘make-up’ year post moderation. Article 53 of the Collective Agreement states: “the parties agree to meet to re-negotiate any Article or part thereof invalidated by judicial or legislative act”. Since January 16, 2024, and particularly during the last 2 months, the Employer has been unwilling to negotiate over the impacts of Bill 124 on scale (including Article A – Salaries, Article R – Salary for Sessional Instructors, and Article N – Overload Stipend).

CLICK HERE to read the policy grievance. See below for details regarding timelines: