ARTICLE F - Health Insurance Plans
F.1 Except as provided in clause F.2, the University shall continue to pay for each full-time member, including a member appointed for a limited term, and each sessional lecturer and the sessional lecturer’s eligible dependents under such Plan, the full cost of the present Green Shield Supplemental Hospitalization Plan and Green Shield Extended Health Benefit Plan or such other reasonable substitutes which provide a benefit plan(s) at least as good as the current Plan(s) subject to mutual agreement with the Association.
F.2 The University shall reimburse upon receipt of an official invoice from an "Insurance Carrier" each full-time member as at June 30, 1990, including a member appointed for a limited term, who subscribes to a Health Insurance Plan and who is a resident of the United States of America an amount equal to the dollar amount which the University would have paid had such a member been a resident of Ontario and eligible for coverage in accordance with clause F.1. The said invoice must be in the member's or the member’s spouse's name. The foregoing, as mentioned, is applicable to those members as at June 30, 1990 only.
F.3 (a) Effective July 1, 2008 the University shall pay on behalf of all members covered by F.1 of this Article including sessional lecturers, one hundred percent (100%) of the Subscriber Rate for the items listed below:
(i) the Green Shield Dental Plan 35 (including $5,000 additional cost), major restorative at 80% co-insurance at current O.D.A. rates;
(ii) Green Shield Vision Plan ($500/24 months) and routine annual optometry examinations to a maximum of seventy-five dollars ($75) per examination;
(iii) massage therapy to a maximum of $1000 per calendar year;
(iv) speech therapist or speech pathologist to a maximum of $1,000 per calendar year;
(v) 100% of the scheduled fee for mental health care counselling services administered by a registered mental health professional (including, but not limited to, psychotherapists, social workers (MSW), and clinical psychologists) for twenty-four (24) visits annually;
(vi) Audio Hearing Aids coverage up to $2,250 every five (5) years, and hearing tests to a maximum of $75 every five (5) years;
(vii) chiropractic coverage up to $800 per year;
(viii) physiotherapist to a maximum of $900 per calendar year;
(ix) Foot Orthotics, wigs with medical treatment-related hair loss, and medically-necessary prosthesis;
(x) chiropodist and podiatric coverage up to $500 each per year;
(xi) private duty nursing coverage up to $40,000 per year by a Registered Nurse (RN), Registered Nursing Assistant (RNA), and/or Personal Support Worker (PSW).
(b) Effective October 1, 1990, the University shall pay on behalf of all full-time retired members one-half (1/2) of the Subscriber Rate for:
(i) the Green Shield Dental Plan 35 (including $1,500 additional cost) at current O.D.A. rates.
F.4 Sessional Instructors who are not employed in a full-time capacity outside the bargaining unit, who have no coverage through an alternate health insurance plan and who have taught at least four (4) courses in the previous teaching year shall be provided the benefits as detailed in clause F.1 and F.3 above.