ARTICLE 10 - Academic Freedom

10:01    The fundamental purpose of the University and its unique contribution is the search for new knowledge and the free dissemination of what is known. Academic freedom in universities is essential to both these purposes in the teaching function of the University as well as in its scholarship, research, and creative work.

10:02    Each member shall be free in the choice and pursuit of research consistent with the objectives and purposes of the University and in the publication of the results, subject only to the normally expected level of performance of the member’s other duties and responsibilities.

10:03    Each member shall have freedom of discussion.  However, in the exercise of this freedom in the classroom, reasonable restraint shall be used in introducing matters unrelated to the member’s subject.  The University shall not require conformity to any religious beliefs, doctrines or practices.

10:04    The University shall not impose supervision or other restraints upon, nor will it assume responsibility for, what is said or written by a member acting as a private citizen.  However, as a person of learning the member shall exercise good judgment and shall make it clear that they are not acting as a spokesperson for the University.

10:05    The University shall expect and encourage each member to participate in, and contribute new ideas to, the promotion of the objectives of the University.  Furthermore, it shall respect the right of each member to disagree with academic or administrative decisions.  However, criticism of, or advocacy of changes in, the policies, programs or administrative practices of the University shall be in the proper academic tradition of reasonable discussion.
